It’s not every day you get to work on a project with a local charity (, your big sister (Anna Dubar, pictured left), a local Author (Anne Wagstaff) and Photographer (Mark Wilkinson). Add to that the fact that the project (branding and book designed by myself) harked back to the book my late grandfather (Frank Chapman) wrote 20 years ago (Tales of Old Tunbridge Wells). Lots of bracketed items there I know but hopefully you follow the jist.
The profits of the new book (Remarkable Characters of Tunbridge Wells) were all given to Fegans, and so I felt it was something I could add value to and was more than happy to donate my time and experience into branding, designing the book and exhibition boards, along with various promotional items. And so I embarked on this labour of love, the outcome of which we were all delighted with.
The launch at Woods in Tunbridge Wells in March showcased the project, gave the charity much exposure and sold plenty of books. The evening was very well attended by all involved, including the characters featured in the book, and recieved some great press attention (courtesy of big sisters’ PR skills!).
In the picture featured here, to the right of myself is Jane Bakowski, who took over the Warwick Diary (History and Nostalgia page of the local Courier newspaper), when my grandfather passed away in 2010. My grandfather had loved writing his page, hence it being no surprise he also wrote various books on local history. His book of 20 years ago being held here by myself, with the new book alongside, held by Anna.
A great project, for such a brilliant cause - find out more at